NIL offers knowhow for a wide range of processes in the hydrocarbon processing industry and carries out PRE-FEED & FEED engineering together with detailed engineering support for licensed processes.
Refinery Configuration Studies
NIL offers unique knowledge in refinery configuration studies. The configuration of an oil refinery and the selection of technology are guided by the following considerations:
- Crude to be processed
- Product pattern
- Product specifications
- Environment requirements
Technology Selection
Technology selection requires familiarity with the technology being evaluated and a proper knowledge of the factors which go into ensuring the selection of a process which is state of art and expected to contribute effectively to improve the bottom line of the project.
- Conceptual Design
- Pre-Feasibility Studies
NIL has completed numerous feasibility studies wherein the feasibility for a new unit or revamping a unit are checked and concluded.
- Process Simulation
- Licensor Evaluation
Basic Engineering Design Package
The basic engineering package prepared by NIL compares more than favorably with those by other licensors and engineering companies. Content-wise these packages are comprehensive and reflect the requirements of detailed engineering to a larger extent than packages prepared by others.
Detailed Feasibility Reports/Detailed Projects Reports